I am Shanon Chaiken, BCHt

Born in Detroit, Michigan, raised in Los Angeles, California, the story of my healing journey takes me around the world.

My story is similar to yours; I just arrived at my real happy ending earlier in life than most. Yes, I worked the corporate job, made the money, partied, had adventures, lost the job, lost the money, married, divorced, got sober in 2009 and then l woke up.

After losing my job in 2010, a friend said to me, “congratulations, and welcome to the rest of your life!” I was furious for about 20 seconds and then realized the opportunities that could lay ahead if I decided to take them. I studied yoga, received 5 certifications and taught, I became a reiki master, a massage therapist, a craniosacral/somatoemotional release therapist and then I tried hypnosis.

It changed my life in a new way, I knew immediately it was my calling, everything I had done led me to it, after my first session I signed up to study hypnotherapy, I studied for two years with Grace Smith. I have been practicing hypnotherapy since 2019 with hundreds of clients around the world via Zoom. The honor of watching these people awake, find their healing with the work and allowing me to bear witness is truly one of the greatest honors of my life.